Even though example sentences

In such cramped spaces, an individual is likely to feel crowded, even though objectively, the number of persons is not very large.Even though we had rented an apartment nearby, I would go over to watch them clear away debris, hoping that my cat was somewhere to be found.Even though Nayudu was past his cricketing prime when he played for India in its first Test matches against England starting in 1932, his place in India s cricket history is assured because he was the country s first Test captain.Even though water is a renewable resource, its overuse and pollution make it unfit for use.By comparing the histories of different places you will see how these histories are different, even though some of the processes are similar.Even though the population increased rapidly, in 1868 England was producing about 80 per cent of the food it consumed.These two different structures result in diamond and graphite having very different physical properties even though their chemical properties are the same.The two maps are quite different even though they are of the same area.Figureure 4 (page 191) shows that after a certain time the composition of the mixture remains the same even though some of the reactants are still present.You will also notice that the first ionization enthalpy of boron (Z = 5) is slightly less than that of beryllium (Z = 4) even though the former has a greater nuclear charge.These items are treated as expenditure in the year in which they are purchased even though they are assets in nature.) A city-dweller, therefore, might have regarded a forest-dweller as a “foreigner”, but two peasants living in the same village were not foreigners to each other, even though they may have had different religious or caste backgrounds.Thus even though planned Y is greater than planned C + I, actual Y will be equal to actual C + I, with the extra output showing up as unintended accumulation of inventories in the ex post I on the right hand side of the accounting identity.While, preparing profit and loss account the revenue is included in the sales of the year in which the sale was undertaken even though the sale price may be received over a number of years.How difficult it had been, particularly that day at the village fair, but she had resolutely stifled a strong desire to ride the merrygo- round, even though she had the money.

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